Old Proficiency (Kids B2) / Shape the Future test

Well done, keep it up!

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

You will hear a student called Duncan Heap talking about his recent trip to Iceland to study sea birds called puffins.


Duncan uses the word to describe the puffin’s appearance out of the water.

Duncan was surprised to learn a puffin’s can help it to change direction when flying.

Duncan explains that puffins create as a place to make their nests.

Duncan agrees with people who think adult puffins make a noise like that of a .

Duncan was surprised to find out that young puffins are driven by to leave their nests.

Duncan says that puffins leaving the nest at night have always used to guide them.

In town, are the most dangerous places for young puffins to land.

Duncan was amused to see someone using an open to rescue young puffins.

Injured puffins are cared for in a in the town.

Duncan’s favourite souvenir of his trip is a puffin , which he says is really cute.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

You will hear an interview with a teenager called Luke Fuller, who’s talking about working as a junior reporter for his local radio station.

1 What was the aim of Luke’s work at the radio station?

2 What problem did Luke expect to have when he reported from his school?

3 When changes were made to what he’d recorded, Luke felt

4 As a result of his experience, Luke realises that a radio reporter

5 Luke says the most difficult thing to learn was how to

6 What surprised Luke when he started interviewing people?

7 What does Luke say about the whole experience of being a reporter?

Select the correct answer.

You hear a young singer talking about his childhood.

Select the correct answer.

You hear part of an interview with a farmer.

Select the correct answer.

You hear two friends talking about a school concert.

Select the correct answer.

You hear a boy telling a friend about climbing a mountain with his father.

Select the correct answer.

You hear a teacher talking about an environmental project.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Ballet dancer by chance

After five years of karate lessons, Hans Jensen, 13, swapped his black belt for ballet shoes. Hans his first public performance only a year ago when he danced in ‘The Nutcracker’ with the local dance school. Hans’s mother said ‘He was actually helping his little sister. She was very shy on stage until her brother was given a small part as a soldier. Hans enjoyed it so much that he himself in ballet classes.’

Hans has already attention in the ballet world and recently won a scholarship to join the Royal Ballet School. He loves it there and is working hard to increase his of dance steps. ‘I want to become stronger, experience and learn as much as I can,’ he said.

His teacher, Yevgen Gregorevic, who has danced professionally in a variety of lead , said, ‘Hans has natural ability and always works hard.’ Hans has himself the goal of one day dancing for the Bolshoi Ballet.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Playing chess

Have you ever played chess? Some say you need to be very skilful to play it well but it is quite easy to learn. I started learning when I was only six years old and it helped me develop my powers of If you want to achieve as a chess player, the main requirement is an ability to analyse a situation . Chess even helped me find various to the mathematical problems I was given for homework.

At first, one of my big problems was not having enough . Learning chess at school taught me the importance of waiting to make the right move! My teacher was critical of my tendency not to think before making a move. I discovered that every single error in chess gets instant , enabling your opponent to take control and putting you at a great in the game.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Teenage Summer Camps

Adam – Nature Camp

We helped on a nature reserve for a week. We did different things every day, but I did get a bit fed up because we had cheese sandwiches every lunchtime. I kept quiet about it though because I didn’t want to seem awkward. I was starving by twelve every day anyway, and it really was good fun, although we worked incredibly hard. One day, the schedule was changed at the last minute, and instead of our planned activity, we all helped the staff finish cutting the reeds by the lake. That was the toughest day – and also the best. They actually needed our help, we weren’t just being kept occupied. Every day, we took it in turns to cook, in teams of five. When it was our team’s turn, we made a simple dinner of pasta and salad for everyone. Judging by the fact that there was none left, we didn’t do too badly!

Sarah – Culture Camp

Every morning we had the same breakfast, and then cleaned up the camp. Nobody could opt out and it was only when it was all completely tidy that we could head off for the day. The first time we went into the city, we were split into teams and given lists of things to spot, like statues, squares and other landmarks. With some help from the local residents, it wasn’t too demanding – my team found almost all of the items on our list and came second. We also got to know our way around, so I thought it was a clever idea. I’d been worried I might miss my parents, but there was something going on nearly every minute and I hardly got time to think about them. We went to different museums and galleries in and around the city every day, and in the evenings we cooked or went out for pizzas. It was a great chance to learn about another country and its history.

Oliver – Language Camp?

We stayed with families who had kids our own age, and because they were on a mid-term break they came with us on all the trips. So apart from when we were actually in a language class, we were spending time with our new friends. It was a great way to practise the language we had been working on in the classroom. We also had to do a quiz on the last day – we were put into teams and given clues to help us find places around the town. Our team finished early, so we waited for everyone else in a café in the main square. While we were there, a film crew arrived and started filming! I can’t wait to see it when it comes out – we were sitting outside, so we might even be in it!

Malika – Theatre Camp

We stayed in a youth centre in the suburbs, and went into the centre of town by bus every day. It was a good way to see a bit of the city, and it didn’t take long to get to the theatre where we had our classes. I loved the atmosphere in the old building, and we could wander around during our breaks and watch rehearsals. The actors we saw were brilliant, and it was inspiring to watch them before we went back into our own classes. The emphasis was definitely on having fun, but we still learned a great deal and I’m looking forward to putting it all into practice at my school drama club next term! The food at the centre could have been better, but I don’t think anyone minded much.

Which teenager

1 felt relieved they were kept so busy?

2 was pleased to have achieved something hard but worthwhile?

3 found that observing other people’s work encouraged them?

4 helped to produce something that proved popular?

5 got through an activity very promptly?

6 says the main location for their activities particularly appealed to them?

7 stresses how much opportunity they had to use new knowledge?

8 was unwilling to complain about a lack of variety?

9 mentions everyone being obliged to complete certain chores daily?

10 appreciated coming across something interesting by chance?