Proficiency Plus (Kids B2+) test

Well done, keep it up!

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.


Listen to the conversation between Alan and Cecilia.Then read the questions and choose the correct answer.

1 What is the main subject of their conversation?
2 Alan is planning to
3 What is Cecilia’s attitude towards social media?
4 What do Alan and Cecilia decide to do together?

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Listen to the conversation between Alberto and Jennifer. Then read the questions and choose the correct answer.

1 What does Jennifer say that shows she’s complained about her computer before?
2 How often does Alberto update his computer?
3 Who is planning to go to the office party?
4 What is Jennifer doing for the office party?

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Listen to the podcast. Then read the statements and decide if they are True or False.

1 The speaker’s attitude is confident.
2 Introverts should try to change who they are.
3 Joining a club, accepting help from friends, and using imagination can help people cope better in social situations.
4 Introverts should try not to have regrets or take every situation too seriously.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Listen to an interview with Carlos about his research. Then read the questions and choose the correct answer.

1 What is Carlos’s main area of research?
2 What did Carlos use to dream of doing?
3 What is Carlos’s opinion of the parakeets habitat?
4 Why does Carlos describe himself as lucky?

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Sort the words into these categories

1 be practical
2 chance encounter
3 coincidence
4 deny
5 disgusting
6 fate
7 have potential
8 insist
9 make financial sense
10 stunning
11 swear
12 weird

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Read the email and choose the correct answer.

Dear Mei,

Great to hear from you and to get all your news. It sounds like you’re having a fantastic time in college.

I have to tell you a funny story. I went to Jose-Antonio’s party last Saturday and I met two guys who had an amazing .They were named Joe and Sebastian. You almost couldn’t tell them apart because they had the same physical .However, in terms of their personalities, they have completely different – Joe was an extrovert and Sebastian was very shy and reserved. I really liked them both and I’ll introduce you to them when you’re home for the spring break. I have no you guys would get along really well.

I think I’m doing well in school. I did my maths last Friday and it was pretty hard! I had to remember how to averages in statistics. Luckily it’s the only assessment / identification I have to do this semester. I just hope I passed because the results are being next month! Let’s have a video chat next weekend. I’m free Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Hope to see you if you have time.


Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Complete the news bulletin with the words given.

Several reports about a failed bank robbery downtown are making . At 3:37 p.m. two jumped out of a large red car which immediately caught the of passers-by. The men then ran into TZ Bank on Main Street. Our sources say that both men had large and were wearing dark-colored clothing and hats. Staff inside the bank activated the alarm system and the police arrived within minutes. The men ran away with nothing at all so, as robbers, they were fortunately .

Police officers are keeping an on the area. Anyone who saw anything in the hours before or after the attempted robbery should call the police station at 212-212-212.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Change the sentence to mean the same.

“The train will be 11 minutes late,” the announcer said.
The announcer told the passengers that the train be 11 minutes late.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Change the sentence to mean the same.

I won’t be happy unless I hear from you.
I’ll be happy I hear from you.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Change the sentence to mean the same.

The boys fight because they annoy one another.
The boys fight because they annoy other.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Choose the correct answer.

1 The ads have just finished, so I think the movie is to start.
2 The company was started by my cousin, sells fashion jewelry.
3 Joe missed the last subway train so he was to walk home.
4 If I hadn’t taken your advice, I have got the job.
5 if I weren’t sitting in this huge traffic jam!
6 Working from home enables me care of my kids.
7 Fake news has been on social media for years.
8 A little of kindness makes people happier.
9 Nobody really likes people who to about their achievements.
10 I just love this beautiful of art by Frieda Kahlo.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Choose the correct answer.

1 Rome is such an interesting place to .
2 I’m starving! I really need something .
3 Can this spray prevent insects from me?
4 Do you know anywhere good to lunch?
5 Sue’s parents met on vacation.
6 What did you decide to for your birthday?
7 Abdul is very proud that he cooked the whole meal .