Master (Kids C1) test

Well done, keep it up!

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Listen to the podcast. Choose the correct answers.

1 Jack says the biggest mistake an entrepreneur makes when pitching their product is
2 What does Jack say about presenting style?
3 When talking about timing, Jack implies that
4 What does Jack say about using visuals?

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Listen to a conversation between Noreen and Ted. Choose the correct answers.

1 According to Noreen, what was the cause of her bad day?
2 According to Noreen, the students in the first class
3 How did Noreen feel when the teacher spoke to her?
4 According to Noreen, the principal

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Listen to the podcast. Choose the correct answers.

1 According to Jacob
2 Jacob says that the animated Uber logo
3 Noriko says that 3D logos
4 Noriko says that

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Listen to the conversation between Grace and Daniel. Choose True or False for each statement.

1 Grace is impressed by the first two screens of Daniel’s productivity app.
2 Initially, Daniel had problems concentrating on developing his app due to other.
3 Daniel’s app is different from others because each task is linked to a calendar.
4 Daniel regrets that he cannot show Grace a working version of his app.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Choose the correct answers.


Have you ever wandered into a green garden and wondered how plants feed themselves? Plants create their own energy, which both humans and animals use as food. As a(n) of this, plants must recover lost energy. The of energy for plants is sunlight, which when combined with water and carbon dioxide (a process called photosynthesis) results in / stems from a fuel that plants can use. This fuel is then converted into energy used for growth and repair. Research has revealed how sunlight not only has photosynthesis but also growth patterns; plants generally grow in the direction of sunlight. So, if you have any plants in your house, they will be happier if you let them get a little bit of sun!

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Complete the survey results with the correct form of the words from the below:.

assist focus interrupt isolate operate pay recognize

We asked our readers what frustrates them about modern technology.Here are the top seven things that drive you crazy:

1 When you are at the airport and the facial-software can’t scan your face correctly.
2 When your computer tells you that a program won’t work with your system.
3 When your virtual doesn’t recognize your voice.
4 When you are in an place and you can’t get a wi-fi connection.
5 When you buy a new phone, and then six months later the price drops and you know that you by $100 or more.
6 The constant you get when your friends are all texting about something and you are trying to work.
7 Receiving email notifications on your computer screen when you are trying to stay on your work.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

What Is Your Favorite American Tradition? This is what four of our readers told us.


My favorite American tradition is the Fourth of July, when we celebrate our independence with barbecues, fireworks, and lots of flags waving. I like that there is no stress or expense of gift giving; it’s just a great time to spend with family and celebrate America’s birthday! Did you know that the Declaration of Independence wasn’t signed on the Fourth of July? That was when it was adopted. Most people don’t know that!


It’s got to be Black Friday. I plan all my shopping months before, and when Black Friday arrives, I‘m ready to face the crowds and get some bargains. This tradition is criticized by some for over-commercializing a religious holiday, but it’s the only tradition that really gets me excited. You can do it online too, but the best offers are always in-store. This tradition started in the US, but it is now international.


I love baby showers, although I hear they aren’t very common outside the US and Canada. I know some cultures consider it unlucky to buy gifts for a child before they’re born. To me, it’s logical to have a little party before the birth because lots of people touching and kissing your baby doesn’t seem like the best idea. Plus, after the birth, the mother can relax and focus on her child.


I think nothing beats the high school prom, where students get to have a party in formal dress, usually in their final year. It’s a unique event, with all the boys in tuxedos and girls in gowns. At the end of the night, the prom king and queen are crowned, but the best part for me was taking lots of pictures with my friends. If I could repeat prom night, I’d do it without batting an eye!

Read about four people describing their favorite American traditions. For questions 1–8, choose from the four people, Andrew, Nicole, Roberta, and Olivia. Each person may be chosen more than once.

Which person …

1 would not hesitate to participate again in their favorite tradition?
2 says that some people disapprove of their favorite tradition?
3 shares a little-known fact about their favorite tradition?
4 feels the timing of a tradition makes sense?
5 says that the tradition involves wearing special clothes?
6 believes that a tradition doesn’t have international appeal?
7 appreciates that the tradition doesn’t involve buying presents?
8 thinks ahead to take advantage of a situation?

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Abebe Bikila

Abebe Bikila was a runner who shot to worldwide fame when he won the marathon in the 1960 Rome Olympic Games. He ran not only in a record time, but also barefoot in one of the biggest surprises in sporting history. He repeated the feat in the following Olympics, becoming the first athlete to do so.
Bikila was born in Ethiopia in 1932. The son of a shepherd, he was a good swimmer and horse rider, but he hadn’t thought about running. At age 17, he moved to the capital Addis Ababa where he joined the army. He participated in a marathon involving the army, navy, and air force in which he finished in just under 2 hours 40 minutes. This triggered his interest in running.
Swedish coach Onni Niskanen, who was working on a national school sports program in Ethiopia, became Bikila’s trainer and helped him prepare for the 1960 Olympics. But as the Games approached, two other runners, Biratu and Wagira, performed better in training, meaning Bikila would probably stay at home. However, at the last minute Biratu broke his ankle, and so Bikila was called and he rushed to the airport to catch a flight to Rome.
Before the race, Bikila had a problem: the course around Rome was on roads of round cobblestones, and he feared his shoes were too worn to last throughout the race. He was offered a new pair by Adidas, which provided footwear for the athletes. There were only a few pairs left, and the shoes he received were too narrow. Two hours before the race, Bikila decided to run barefoot.
Bikila kept up with the favorite, Ben Abdesselam from Morocco, until 600 feet from the finish, where he started to sprint. He ran ahead of Abdesselam, winning the race in a record time to become the first sub-Saharan African to win an Olympic gold medal.

Read the article. Choose True, False, or Not Given (NG) for each statement.

1 Abebe Bikila was the first person to win two consecutive Olympic marathons.
2 Bikila is the only athlete to have run without shoes in the Olympics.
3 His interest in running stemmed from an armed forces race in which he ran.
4 Onni Niskanen became Bikila’s trainer after seeing him win a race.
5 Bikila ran barefoot because the shoes he was given were in poor condition.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Choose the correct answers to complete the conversation.

Amber: Hey, Ben. Nice website! How is it working as a freelancer?
Ben: At first, I was so excited to have my own schedule. No more early mornings! But it wasn’t until I started trying to get my own clients I realized how tough it was going to be. I should some before I quit my full-time job. Now I’m under financial pressure.
Amber: It's true. If you just a couple of clients, you would have money coming in. That some of the pressure off. Don’t worry, it said that most new businesses lose money for the first five years.
Ben: Amber! That’s not I want to hear!
Amber: Sorry! I’m sure you’ll money regularly by the end of the month. But I think it’s time you on your website and got out and won your first client!

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Your First Elevator Pitch

So, you've your elevator pitch memorized, and now you need to deliver .The good news is you don’t need to be in , but you do need to be ready the opportunity arises. Watch out – here comes a possible target! Be bold; nobody going to approach you. And remember you only have 30–45 seconds to make 6 impression.
is true with presentations, the best elevator pitch can lose power if you lack confidence, so smile, and speak with energy.Give your pitch and don’t forget to tell them what you want. A pitch given without asking for something will not receive anything!

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Complete the second sentence with two to five words so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word in parentheses ( ).

Personally, I’d prefer you to buy a house in the city rather than one in the suburbs. (sooner)
Personally, a house in the city than one in the suburbs.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Complete the second sentence with two to five words so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word in parentheses ( ).

It looks like the police officer wants us to move our car. (be)
The police officer us to move our car.