Proficiency (Kids B2) test

Well done, keep it up!

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Listen to the restaurant reviews. Choose the correct answers.

1 Which restaurant has an outside space?
2 Which restaurant has the most original food?
3 Which restaurant doesn’t serve meat?
4 Which restaurant is not in the city center?
5 Which restaurant would be good for a small birthday dinner?

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Listen to a radio program. Circle True or False for each statement.

1 Maria has personal experience with this topic.
2 White water rafting isn’t suitable for all children.
3 The water sports Maria recommends are all for individuals.
4 Maria talks about an activity that can be done by the whole family.
5 Maria mentions that mountain biking is going out of style.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Listen to the conversation between Ana and Brian. Then read the questions and choose the correct answer.

1 What is Ana doing?
2 What is Ana’s opinion of the article?
3 What is Brian’s opinion of the article?
4 What is a bot?
5 How can you tell if something is a bot?

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Listen to the conversation between George and April. Then read the sentences and choose the correct answers.

1 George says that his dad arranged something for his mom’s birthday.
2 has finished the essay.
3 Last night George a soccer match.
4 George been bowling before with April.
5 George wants to go to the .

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Choose the correct answer.

1 I Carlos for the first time.
2 You can’t take your driving test yet. You’re not .
3 I wish I my boss for more vacation days this year.
4 When we were children we weren’t to eat sweets.
5 If Amanda knew what her boss said about her really pleased.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Choose the correct answer.

Oliver didn’t do his homework because he had time.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Choose the correct answer.

I looked in my purse, but my wallet wasn’t there. I it at home.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Choose the correct answer.

If I had known you were coming, have made something special for dinner.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Choose the correct answer.

1 My mother is well-known as a architect.
2 I’ve just a great plan for our vacation.
3 My parents when I was only four years old. I don’t remember them being together.
4 It’s not nice to people. What you say might not be true.
5 The scientists did months of before they came to these conclusions.
6 I missed the flight, but it was my . I should have left the house earlier.
7 It was a historical novel that was on real facts.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Choose the correct answer.

1 I’m going to face my and speak in public.
2 The environmental impact of using plastic is a trending at the moment.
3 I’ve had a hard week. I’m going to myself to a shopping trip at the mall.
4 The winner was so fast that he actually the current world record.
5 My girlfriend has a great of humor. She always makes me laugh.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.


Friendships come and go throughout our lives. Some people have a group of close friends that never changes throughout their lives, but most have a group of friends that changes often. I’m not saying that we don’t form strong friendships but rather that our friendships often fall away as we get older. First there are friendships at school, then friends who help us through the teenage years, then at college, and beyond. Each stage is different.

In an ideal world, we would make friendships throughout life, but the reality is usually different. People change. Events happen. So, it’s easy to understand why friends become less important as relationships, careers, and children take priority.

Social media has had a real impact on how we communicate with each other, and one of its benefits is that we can easily be connected with friends at any time of any day. For younger generations, keeping in contact with friends on social media is natural. Maybe this is an aspect of social media that older generations should accept. Critics may say that posting things on social media or giving your friends a “like” is not an expression of true friendship. Nobody (at least those over the age of 16), would say that updating your status is as personal as updating your friend about your life over a cup of coffee.

Friendships, whether helped by technology or not, are important. We are always being told that employers value soft skills and emotional intelligence, usually in addition to or sometimes in place of the usual qualifications. Friendships can help us understand ourselves better, develop our communicative skills, and develop our emotional intelligence. Remember that having friends attracts friends, both for your digital self and your real self.

Choose the correct answer.

1 The majority of people have friendships that don’t change throughout our lives.
2 One of the good things about social media is the ease of communication.
3 Older generations need to teach young people about communication.
4 Digital friendships are just as personal as real friendships.
5 There are similarities between real and digital friendships.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the appropriate word.

Choose the correct answer.

1 My parents a business.
2 I’d just like to congratulate you your great achievement.
3 I’m not doing the race to a medal. It’s just for fun.
4 On the weekend I like to make the of the time I have.
5 The class will be hard, but I know she will to the challenge.